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Build an Extensive Multi-Level Deck with Different Entertainment Areas

Who says all decks have to fit into a single category? Most of the decks I’ve seen lately have been rectangular with standard railing, and steps that lead to the ground. Don’t get me wrong, they’re beautiful decks with what appears to be great workmanship. They’re just – boring. Your deck doesn’t have to fit into a specific mold or look like your neighbor’s. Be unique when you design your deck.

Deck Flooring

Traditional deck flooring lays in a single direction with no variation. Try something different, like diagonal deck flooring, or some other design that will set your deck apart from all others. Consider a rock or brick inlay to help support your grill or an outdoor fireplace; or an area where the boards create a specific design – a diamond for example.

Steps to Lead from One Area to Another

Two or three steps should be a good amount of drop from one area of the deck to another. The goal is to separate the different areas just enough to offer some privacy while still being included in what’s going on in the central part of the deck. Your next cookout, for example, some of your guests could move to less crowded areas of the deck while still being included in the cookout. Couples could sneak away to steal a kiss while everyone else spends time on the main deck area.

Different areas could include different design elements. One area could have a table and chairs with a diagonal floor, another could have built-in bench seating with horizontal flooring, and the bottom-most area with the most support could be home to the hot tub with a rock boarder. Create as many distinct levels as you have room to accommodate.

Built-in Seating

Not everyone likes built-in seats, but they offer a great place for people to sit and relax if other seating areas are occupied. Buy cushions and make your built-in seating areas more comfortable. The benches could double as storage for the cushions so they’ll remain in good condition while not in use. Line the inside of the bench box with cedar to keep bugs away.

Built-in Flower Boxes or Drink Holders

Create natural privacy screens with built-in flower boxes. Choose hardy plants that will grow without a lot of effort on your behalf. Vines create a very pretty privacy screen as long as they have something to climb. Make sure any plants you plant in the built-in flower boxes can take Georgia heat – and a lot of it.

Built-in drink holders would be a welcomed addition for people who often set their drink on the top of the rail – and it falls over the edge. Cup holders would be easy to create and would add another unique element to your custom deck.

Be Different

Let’s get a little crazy here in the north Atlanta metro area. Call me any time to talk about building a new deck. Let’s design and build a deck that is unlike any other in the area. Mention this blog post when you call and we’ll see about implementing some of these ideas!